ACLS Fellowship Program

Keitlyn Alcantara
- 2023
Indiana University Bloomington
Recipes of Resistance: An Archaeology of the Past and Present

Corinne Bayerl
- 2023
University of Oregon
The Stage on Trial: Transnational Opposition Against the Theatre in Early Modern Europe

Kalzang Dorjee Bhutia
- 2019
- 2023
University of Southern California
Returning the Temple: Recovering and Repatriating Sikkimese Buddhism from Colonial Structures

Roya Biggie
- 2023
Knox College
Sympathetic Ecologies in Early Modern English Tragedies
ACLS Carl and Betty Pforzheimer Fellow

Brian E. Bond
- 2023
University of California, Berkeley
Singing Islam: Sufi Music and Socio-religious Change on India’s Western Border
ACLS Susan McClary and Robert Walser Fellow

Hilary Buxton
- 2023
Kenyon College
Disabled Empire: Decolonizing Care and the First World War in Imperial Britain

Kendra Calhoun
- 2023
University of California, Los Angeles
#BlackPeopleBeLike: Discursive constructions of contemporary race, culture, and African American identity on TikTok

Zachary Caple
- 2023
Aarhus University
The Human Asteroid Strikes Florida: The Mining Landscapes and Anthrobiogeochemistry of Phosphorus

Sarah Aurelia Carson
- 2023
Dartmouth College
Weathering Prediction: Forecasts, Nature, and Political Power in Modern India

Sandy F. Chang
- 2019
- 2023
University of Florida
Across the South Seas: Gender, Intimacy, and Chinese Migration to British Malaya, 1877-1940
ACLS Frederic E. Wakeman, Jr. Fellow

Jerome Clark
- 2023
Arizona State University West
Bundling: A Diné Theory and Practice of Storying and Future-Making

Mali Collins
- 2023
American University
Scrap Theory: Reproductive Injustice in the Contemporary Black Feminist Imagination

José A. de la Garza Valenzuela
- 2023
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Queer in a Legal Sense: Brown Citizenship and Other Lawful Fictions

Yuri W. Doolan
- 2023
Brandeis University
America’s Comfort Women: Legacies of Military Prostitution in Cold War Asia and the Pacific

Guadalupe Escobar
- 2023
University of Nevada, Reno
Decolonial Witnessing: The Post-Cold War Testimonio of Human Rights

Karma Frierson
- 2023
Washington University in St. Louis
Yes, in Part: Expectations of Blackness in Multicultural Mexico
ACLS/Marwan M. and Ute Kraidy Centennial Fellowship in the Study of the Arab World and Latin America

Hannah Clare Frydman
- 2023
University of Washington
Between the Sheets: Classified Advertising, Sexuality, and the Moral Threat to Press Freedom in France
ACLS Morton N. Cohen and Richard N. Swift Fellowship Fund

Linda R. Gosner
- 2015
- 2023
Texas Tech University
Mining Matters: Industry, Community, and Empire in Roman Iberia
ACLS Barrington Foundation Centennial Fellow

Eric J. Harvey
- 2021
- 2023
Independent Scholar
Blindness Lived and Imagined in the Ancient Middle East

Rebecca H. Hogue
- 2019
- 2023
Harvard University
Nuclear Archipelagos: Radiation Empires and Indigenous Resistance in the Pacific

Sam Holley-Kline
- 2023
University of Maryland, College Park
A Labor History of Mexican Archaeology

Mai-Linh K. Hong
- 2023
University of California, Merced
Perilous Telling: Story in the Shadow of the Refugee Regime

Jang Wook Huh
- 2013
- 2023
University of Washington
"Afro-Korean" Encounters: The Literary Intersections of Black Liberation Struggles in the US and Anticolonial Movements in Korea, 1910-1953

Bebel R. Ibarra
- 2023
Tulane University
Empowering Voices of the Dead: The Role of Descendant Communities Decolonizing the Interpretation of Archaeological Data on Mortuary Practices in Peru

Hyeok Hweon Kang
- 2019
- 2023
Washington University in St. Louis
Artisanal Heart: The Vernacular Engineers of Early Modern Korea

Dana Kornberg
- 2023
University of California, Santa Barbara
The Garbage Economy: Pursuing Money and Scrap in Urban India’s Casted Institutions

Ashleigh Lawrence-Sanders
- 2023
University of Colorado Boulder
They Knew What the War Was About: African Americans and the Memory of the Civil War

Ashleigh Lawrence-Sanders
- 2023
University of Colorado Boulder
They Knew What the War Was About: African Americans and the Memory of the Civil War

Sina Lee
- 2023
The College of Wooster
The Other Mother of My Child: Transnational Solidarity among Transnational Korean Adoptees, Adoptive Mothers, and Birth Mothers

Patrick Lozar
- 2023
Salish Kootenai College
Crossing Homelands: Native Nations and the US-Canadian Border on the Columbia Plateau

Carlos Macías Prieto
- 2023
Williams College
Nahua Writing at a Moment of Crisis: Domingo Chimalpahin’s Preservation of the Cemanahuac Archive in Colonial Mexico

Elise Mitchell
- 2023
Princeton University
Morbid Geographies: Enslavement, Epidemics, and Embodiment in the Early Modern Atlantic World

Jocelyn Rachel Moore
- 2023
University of Virginia
If the House Would Speak: The House and Greek Tragedy’s Collective Vision

Nicholas C. Morgan
- 2023
Columbia University
Busy Doing Nothing: Queer Anti-Work Experiments in Art, Film, and Life in the Cybernated 1960s

Isadora Moura Mota
- 2023
Princeton University
On Their Own Terms: Literacy, Slavery, and the Archives of Afro-Brazilian History

Benjamin Kofi Nutor
- 2023
Texas A&M University
The Peki in the Atlantic World: Landscapes, Power, and Identities of Slavery in West Africa

James P. Padilioni, Jr.
- 2023
Swarthmore College
To Ask Infinity Some Questions: San Martín de Porres and the Black Hagiographic Mysteries of Florida

Mezna Qato
- 2023
University of Cambridge, UK
Education in Exile: Palestinians and Postwar Regeneration

Mariam Rahmani
- 2023
University of California, Los Angeles
Queerness in Translation, from Persian to English and Back
ACLS Pauline Yu Fellow

Yuridia Ramirez
- 2023
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Indigeneity on the Move: Transborder Politics from Michoacán to North Carolina

Caleb Richard Scoville
- 2023
Tufts University
Stupid Little Fish: Extraction, Conservation, and the Politics of Environmental Decline

Angelica Serna Jeri
- 2023
University of New Mexico
The Huarochiri Manuscript Archive: the Experience of Writing, Speaking and Translating Quechua

Tatsiana Shchurko
- 2023
The Ohio State University
Haunting Aspirations, Scattered Intimacies: Resonances of Black Women’s Travels to the Soviet Union (1920-1980) for Anti-Imperialist Feminist Solidarities Today

Amanda Shubert
- 2023
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Seeing Things: Virtual Aesthetics in Victorian Culture

Emily Sarah Sibley
- 2023
Whitman College
The Poetics of Incivility: Satire and Subversion in Arab Culture