The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Early Career Research Fellowships in Buddhist Studies

Dendup Chophel
- 2023
Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
The Pandemic Buddha: Social Recalibration and Post-pandemic Buddhist Engagement in Bhutan

Nils Martin
- 2017
- 2023
École Pratique des Hautes Études
Art History and Epigraphy of Early Tibetan Buddhist Rock Carvings in Ladakh and Baltistan, from ca. eighth century to early eleventh century

Rachelle Saruya
- 2021
- 2023
University of Toronto, Mississauga
Wishing at the Banyan Tree: Wishing-for-children Rituals in the Buddhist Scriptures and in Contemporary Myanmar Buddhist Women's Practices

Parjanya Sen
- 2023
Deshbandhu College for Girls
Bengal and Tibet: Travels, Encounters and Sacred Geographies

Mengxiao Wang
- 2023
University of Southern California
Buddhism and Theatricality in Early Modern China