U.S. News & World Report Speaks with ACLS President Joy Connolly on PhD Programs and Job Preparedness
Published: November 10, 2022
ACLS President Joy Connolly is quoted in a recent U.S. News & World Report article on what to look for in choosing a PhD program.
A good PhD program is one that prepares you with equal vision and energy for a rewarding career outside the college and university.
ACLS President Joy Connolly, U.S. News & World Report
On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, the American Council of Learned Societies hosted “Beyond the Academy: Pathways to Non-Academic Careers for PhDs,” a virtual conversation among three leaders of major organizations about the concrete paths they took in their careers outside of academia.
Executives from Southern Poverty Law Center, Hunger Free America, and Sembrando Sentido discuss the value of having recent PhDs contribute to their social justice initiatives.