We are pleased to offer a virtual presentation for PhDs and graduate students to learn about teaching in public high schools, featuring PhDs with direct experience teaching in high school and higher education.
You may also watch videos from the last three years featuring faculty teaching in K-12 public, charter, and independent schools on our website here.
James Shulman, ACLS Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
James Shulman serves as vice president and chief operating officer of ACLS. Previously, he was a Senior Fellow at The Mellon Foundation. At the Mellon Foundation in the 1990s, he collaborated with William G. Bowen and Derek Bok on The Shape of the River: Long-term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions. He also wrote (with William G. Bowen), The Game of Life: College Sports and Educational Values. He received his BA and PhD from Yale in Renaissance Studies. His first book was The Pale Cast of Thought: Hesitation and Decision in the Renaissance Epic. From its founding in 2001 to 2016 he was president of Artstor. Working with his colleagues, he developed and implemented plans for an organization that now serves over 2,000 colleges, universities, schools, and museums around the world. His latest book, The Synthetic University, was published by Princeton UP in fall 2023.
Zach Holbrook
Zach Holbrook teaches English at Bard High School Early College (Manhattan). He also worked for several years as an editorial associate at Shelley and his Circle, a publication project housed in the NYPL. In the summer of 2019, he went back to help write the introduction for the project’s final volumes. Other side projects include music and game design. Zach received his PhD in English Literature from NYU in 2010.
Lakisha Odlum
Lakisha Odlum is a former New York City public school teacher who received her PhD in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is currently an assistant professor of English Education at CUNY Queens College where she teaches undergraduate and graduate pre-service and in-service teachers. Her research interests include culturally responsive teacher preparation, the intersection of racial and digital literacies, diversifying the teaching profession and the teaching of Black girls. She is a proud and active member of NCTE having held various leadership positions such as Lead Ambassador, Middle Level Representative-at-Large and Chair of the ELATE Nominating Committee.
Meghan Quinlan
Meghan Quinlan received a PhD in Critical Dance Studies at the University of California, Riverside. She is a teacher in the International Baccalaureate program at Sol C. Johnson High School in Savannah, GA. She also currently teaches online courses for the Dance Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and has previously been on the faculty at Kennesaw State University and Santa Ana College. Her research has been published in a variety of journals and anthologies.
Ethan Sribnick
Ethan Sribnick teaches social studies at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, a public school in Montgomery County, Maryland. He received a PhD in American History from the University of Virginia and an MAT from University of Maryland, Global Campus. Before teaching high school, Ethan worked in the non-profit sector and taught at 4-year universities and a community college.