
American Comparative Literature Assoiciation
323 E. Wacker Drrive, #642

Chicago, IL 60601


Danielle Fanucchi


Dina Al-Kassim




Karen Emmerich

1. The aim of the Association is the support and strengthening of comparative literature studies.
2. The Association will strive to foster an interest in literature as a form of artistic, historical, and cultural expression beyond national and linguistic boundaries throughout the world. It will further strive to promote discussion among related disciplines, and to foreground, wherever possible, the integrity of the individual language. It is the Association’s aim to help acquaint the community at large with the aims and values of comparative literature studies, and to help place young scholars in academic positions where they may be effective as teachers and scholar-critics. In order to achieve these goals the Association will:
(a) hold regular meetings for the purpose of presenting and discussing studies in comparative literature;
(b) aid individual members in their studies in comparative literature;
(c) support and strengthen the activities of the International Comparative Literature Association;
(d) cooperate with other organizations interested in the attainment of these objectives;
(e) publish a newsletter at least once a year.