Zaina Alsous
- Organizer and poet

Third World Feminist School (3WFS) is a popular education initiative based in South Florida since 2021. The project is a radical learning space for local workers through participatory learning, guided lessons on the history of global liberation movements, and a roster of visiting lectures by organizers and scholars. Revisiting the contributions of feminists of color of the 1970s and 1980s, 3WFS challenges participants to move beyond an empty multiculturalism and towards a revolutionary coalition between women of color from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This iteration of the school will be a multilingual version held in-person, with readings and activities translated into Spanish and Haitian Kreyòl. Participants are offered funding, childcare, and other support to empower their weekly participation in 3WFS. Our local collaborators are Miami Worker’s Center and (f)empower.