
The Berlin Psychoanalytic: Psychoanalysis and Culture in Weimar Republic Germany


ACLS Fellowship Program


German Studies

Named Award

ACLS/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Junior Faculty Fellow named award


My book "The Berlin Psychoanalytic" recovers the buried intellectual history of the vibrant Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute from WWI to the Third Reich and traces its worldwide impact on culture and psychoanalysis beyond its years of existence, e.g., in 1940s Palestine or 1950s New York. "The Berlin Psychoanalytic" describes Weimar Republic culture as inseparable from the psychoanalytic discourse on war neurosis, sexuality and criminality specific to Berlin. It connects paradigmatic forms and themes of Berlin modernism with the understanding of psychoanalysis theorized and practiced at the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute. I claim the "Berlin Psychoanalytic" as a crucial moment for the development of Frankfurt School theory and for the development of psychoanalytic thought beyond Freud.