Stella Nyanzi
- Research Fellow
- Makerere University

The Anti-Homosexuality Bill (2009) proposes to re-criminalize same-sex relations in Uganda with punishments ranging from monetary fines to periods of detention, mandatory testing for HIV, and even the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality." The main proponents of this bill are fundamental conservative Christians including clergy, politicians, and elite professionals. Their strategies are initiated, informed, and influenced by American Christian Right authorities and ideologies based on interpretations of biblical scripture againt same-sex practices. This research critically examines the effects of the politicization of the literary construction of homosexuality as 'the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah' based on biblical scriptures upon local individuals who identify as sexual minorities in Uganda. Data collection triangulates qualitative research methods (including individual in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and ethnographic participant observation) with a systematic literature review and public media content analysis.