Shuxuan Zhou

Position Description
The Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR) is a department in the City of Seattle government that creates policy and enforces legislation and rules that advance the civil rights of and end barriers to equity for Seattle residents. SOCR’s Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) is 14 years old and was the first governmental effort to end institutional racism in the country. The Senior Researcher will lead the development of a bank of case studies that documents the types of challenges faced by a mature race equity initiative and illuminates the salient differentiating aspects of a tenured effort. These case studies will form the core of new training for both City of Seattle employees and other US jurisdictions endeavoring to end institutional racism. The Senior Researcher also will assist in the design and development of an RSJI Racial Equity Lab where the case studies bank will be housed. The Lab will be a multiplatform tool intended to bolster racial justice efforts.