Micah Mizukami
- Associate Director of Center for Oral History
- University of Hawaii at Manoa

Excerpts from 39 life histories in the UH-Manoa (UHM) Center for Oral History archive will be broadcast in weekly five-minute messages of individual & collective persistence & resilience on Hawai’i Public Radio’s “The Conversation," to all Hawaiian Islands from August 2022 through May 2023. Each program will have a 2-minute ignite statement by a Humanities scholar & a 3-minute life history excerpt that are designed to inspire hope & lay a foundation for a resilient and engaged community. Themes explored include social justice; Native Hawaiian rights & culture; compassionate & visionary leadership; surviving internment & racism during World War II; overcoming Black prejudice in Hawai’i; surviving pandemics & natural disasters & preparing for climate change. The Hawaiʻi partners for this project include the UHM Department of Ethnic Studies and Hawaiʻi Public Radio, Kuaʻāina Ulu ʻAuamo Limu Hui and Jack Hall Hawaiʻi Housing Corporation and the Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana.