Alesondra J. Christmas Stapleton

Position Description
Zora’s House is a community space and leadership incubator located in Columbus, OH, and designed to catalyze and support the dreams that women+ of color have for themselves, their families, and their communities. Through community building efforts, shared space, and programming, Zora’s House works to dismantle barriers of systemic racism and sexism, and to ensure the full participation of women+ of color in the civic, economic, and cultural life of our community. The Equity Design Program Manager will support and ensure the long-term sustainability of the Women+ of Color Equity Design Institute (WCEDI)–a pilot program whose mission is to train women+ of color “community experts'' (i.e. those with lived experience) to sit at tables of influence as programs and policy are being designed in the community. The Equity Design Program Manager will help to revise and formalize our curriculum; facilitate curriculum in a minimum of two community training sessions; oversee and facilitate “design sprints” with local organizations focused on areas of childcare, workforce, and affordable housing; help to develop a business plan for the Institute; and co-design an interactive white paper or resource to share Equity Design learning and best practices with other communities.