Abigail J. Langston

Position Description
PolicyLink is a national research and action institute advancing economic and social equity by Lifting Up What Works. Founded in 1999, PolicyLink connects the work of people on the ground to the creation of sustainable communities of opportunity that allow everyone to participate and prosper. Such communities offer access to quality jobs, affordable housing, good schools, transportation, and the benefits of healthy food and physical activity. Findings and analyses are shared through publications, website and online tools, convenings, national summits, and in briefings with national and local policymakers.
The Policy Analyst will work with the Equitable Economy team to identify the policies, business models, and strategies that advance equitable economic growth, and share these strategies with community leaders and policymakers. This work includes data collection and research, policy development, place-based initiatives, and strategic communications, including the production of a bimonthly national newsletter America's Tomorrow, which shares promising practices, thought leaders, and new research on how equity is an economic imperative, as well as the National Equity Atlas (www.nationalequityatlas.org), an online data and policy tool.
The Policy Analyst will work with the Equitable Economy team to identify the policies, business models, and strategies that advance equitable economic growth, and share these strategies with community leaders and policymakers. This work includes data collection and research, policy development, place-based initiatives, and strategic communications, including the production of a bimonthly national newsletter America's Tomorrow, which shares promising practices, thought leaders, and new research on how equity is an economic imperative, as well as the National Equity Atlas (www.nationalequityatlas.org), an online data and policy tool.