Luce/ACLS Working Group on Public Knowledge
Exploring Public Knowledge Creation, Within and Beyond the Academy
In 2022, the Henry Luce Foundation made a grant to ACLS to support a working group focused on exploring the conditions for the creation and circulation of public knowledge.
Working Group Members:
Elizabeth Bucar, Professor of Religion and Dean’s Leadership Fellow, Northeastern University (co-chair)
Simran Jeet Singh, Executive Director, Religion & Society Program, the Aspen Institute (co-chair)
Sylvester Johnson, Professor of Religion and Director of the Center for Humanities, Virginia Tech
Rosalyn R. LaPier, Professor of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Brie Loskota, Faculty Affiliate, Center for the Study of Religion and Culture, University of Notre Dame
Harold Morales, Associate Professor of Religion and Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and the City, Morgan State University