News Article
2020 Mellon/ACLS Scholars and Society Fellow Shares Her Experience Doing Community-Engaged Research Remotely

Rachel Bloom-Pojar F’20, an Associate Professor in Public Rhetorics and Community Engagement at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is spending the 2020-21 academic year working outside of the classroom with Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin as a Mellon/ACLS Scholars and Society Fellow.
While my colleagues are figuring out teaching online in a pandemic, I’m figuring out what it means to do community-engaged research remotely. A topic that is constantly on my mind is access…barriers to access have long been topics of interest for healthcare practitioners, researchers, and policy makers. They impact how healthy a community is and how well (or not) a healthcare system meets that community’s needs.
Read more about her fellowship experience on the “Writing & Rhetoric MKE” blog.