Yumzhana Zhabon
- Senior Research Fellow
- Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies

The project focuses on the “History of Kokonor” (Mtsho sngon gyi lo rgyus) by famous Tibeto-Mongolian Buddhist scholar Sum pa Mkhan po Ye shes dpal ‘byor (1704-1788). The author, being a contemporary witness of many events described, gives a valuable account of secular and religious history of the Mongols and the Tibetans at a turning point of their history when they fell under the hegemony of the Qing dynasty. We propose to provide a book-length manuscript, which will consist of a critical edition of the text, its Russian translation, detailed commentaries, and a comprehensive analysis of Sum pa Mkhan po’s biography and the text’s historical background in relation and comparison with Chinese and Mongolian sources.