Omotayo Ibukun Fakayode
- Lecturer I
- Obafemi Awolowo University

This study examines the use of gender in the two German translations of Chinua Achebe’s “No Longer At Ease”. It evaluates the strategies employed by the translators in the transfer of gendered language in the source text into the target text. The meta-texts to be examined include folktales, songs and Igbo proverbs present in the novel. The study employs the feminist translation theory as propounded by von Flotow (1991) for the analysis in the study. The study will show how German being a more gendered language helps to highlight particular gender biases of the author in translation. The two German translations to be used for the study are “Obi. Ein afrikanischer Roman” and “Heimkehr in fremdes Land”. The study justifies itself in that it will bring to lime light the fact that translation can aid in highlighting the subtle gender biases of the author of the original text.