Mohammad Usman

Position Description
United Neighborhood Houses of New York (UNH), founded in 1919, is the membership organization of New York City’s settlement houses. UNH’s mission is to promote and strengthen the network’s neighborhood-based, multi-service approach to improving the lives of low- and moderate-income New Yorkers and the communities in which they live. Today, this network includes 38 settlement houses, which collectively serve 750,000 people across all ages annually, in more than 660 locations throughout New York City’s five boroughs. For three years, UNH has been working to assist its settlement house members to navigate New York State’s redesign of its Medicaid program and related policy shifts. The Policy Analyst builds upon these efforts and expands UNH’s work to partner with its member organizations as they seek to integrate health and social services to address the social determinants of health. The analyst plays a leading role in assessing and demonstrating the collective impact of settlement houses, particularly related to social determinants of health.