
Archives Construction in Central Africa: An Administrative History of Archives in Zambia, 1890-2011


African Humanities Program Postdoctoral Fellowships


International Studies Group


This book focuses on the history of the creation of archives in Zambia, in relation to changing systems of government between 1890 and 2011. It examines the ways in which colonial and postcolonial administrative officials generated records and how archivists created archives in the successive governments in Zambia, starting with the British South African Company (1890-1923), British colonial government (1924-1953), Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953-1963) and postcolonial Zambian governments (1964-2011). It also examines the role of archival legislations as well as appraisal, preservation and management approaches introduced and executed during the successive governments in determining the nature of archives creation in Zambia. This book argues that broader and regional political and economic environments in both the colonial and postcolonial periods influenced shifts in government administrations in Zambia which in turn transformed the nature of archives legislation, appraisal, preservation and management strategies and historical processes of archives creation over time.