
An Examination of the Ceramics in the Guthe Collection and Its Contribution to Philippine History and Culture


Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Grants to Individuals in East and Southeast Asian Archaeology and Early History Study and Research Fellowships (East and Southeast Asia)


Archaeological Studies Program


University of Michigan


This project focuses on the ceramics of the Philippine Expedition Collection of the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology. The collection is composed of Philippine archaeological and ethnological materials collected over a three-year period by Carl Guthe from 1922 to 1925. There have been several publications and ongoing research on the Guthe materials but the earthenware vessels, which are central to this study, are the least studied. This research investigates variation primarily in local pottery, as well as some Asian ceramics. It documents variability in forms, designs, and geographical distribution. It also analyses the functions of the ceramics and interprets their archaeological contexts. Lastly, it situates and contextualizes the ceramics in Philippine archaeology and history.