Bill Mak
- Associate Professor
- Kyoto University, Japan

This project aims to bring to light two important texts that contribute to our understanding of the astral practices and tradition in East Asian Buddhism: Amoghavajra’s Xiuyao jing (759/764 CE) and Entsu’s Bukkokurekishohen (1810 CE). The Xiuyao jing is considered an authoritative text on the Japanese astral tradition (sukuyodo). At present only a corrupt edition (T1299) is available and a proper edition based on the Japanese manuscripts is needed. Entsu's Bukkokurekishohen is arguably the most comprehensive work within the East Asian tradition on Buddhist cosmology, astronomy, and calendrics, with commentaries on the Xiuyao jing and other Buddhist astral texts. The project aims to produce an annotated English translation of these two texts, together with a critical edition of both.