Atthasit Sukkham
- Graduate Student
- Silpakorn University

This comparative study looks at prehistoric rock art in Thailand within a global context and to explain and reconstruct the clear data for prehistoric rock art and present it to archaeologists, researchers, students, and the general public in Thailand. In fact, Thai archaeologists have been exploring rock art sites throughout the region, totaling more than 170 sites, which have not been given exact dates. Furthermore, rock art data is not clearly or accurately known and no good conservation or training has been done. Finally, this project is about learning, comparing, and exchanging ideas about how to establish field research design and field data collection protocols, rock art recording, laboratory procedures, record keeping, cataloguing, and rock art data analysis. It involves formulating and testing hypotheses, rock art dating methods, current theories regarding the meaning and function of rock art, ethno-archaeological interpretation, and rock art record preservation and rock art conservation by scientific methods and cultural resources management common in worldwide archaeology.