Aaron Carter-Enyi
- Assistant Professor
- Morehouse College

ADEPt gathers data-rich ethnographies from Africa and the Diaspora to reinvigorate Africana Studies through the digital humanities. Our data collection and management protocols prepare for rigorous analysis at the fieldwork stage, capturing a variety of media, data and metadata with precision rare among ethnographic research. The Video-EASE Toolbox integrates encodings of movement, sound and text in a novel analysis environment for scholars. ADEPt research also connects directly with the public, producing content for education, identity formation and other public interests. In addition to our established YouTube Channels, new avenues for engagement include an interactive Google API culture map and Digital Commons archive, both accessible through www.africanadept.org. ADEPt is centered at Morehouse College, but faculty collaboration and student engagement with the project is spread across the member institutions of the Atlanta University Center consortium, including Clark Atlanta University and Spelman College. The ACLS Digital Extension grant facilitates: (1) training Atlanta University Center students and faculty with ethnographic and technical skills both on campus and in the field; (2) collection of data for focus areas in the southeastern United States (including Afro-Cherokee, Gullah-Geechee and metropolitan Atlanta); and (3) thorough testing of new Video-EASE functions prior to full release in June 2018.